Sunday, May 8, 2011

Experiment Techposter

OK this article is about Experiment Techposter. first of all, I'm going to mention that I have little information related to this subject, I mean, in general terms, I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about on this post, The idea with this page was making it so it was found, basically when you type "Experiment Techposter" you get Experiment Techposter, do you know what I'm talking about? seems like you're still reading and you should stop now really because you won't find anything else related to Experiment TP, try something else, maybe experpost, and move on.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

AccentRed, a full course of accent reduction

Accent Reduction course:

American Accent: Why be "tense" when you can be "reLAXed"?

American Accent: Why be "tense" when you can be... by RebeccaLinquist

AccentRed, Accent Reduction Techniques

Practice the following random sounds and words.


World, Wrap,
Wrist, Wrong,


Under, the, thunder. 
father, feather, mether.
ether, neither gather.
neither my father.
a thin, then, a theme.
catherine, thompson.
throne in the cathedral of johnson.
throwing and rowing.
Catherine rather breathes.
Thomism the other, is feather.
arthur thompson thrives..
those theater themes.
that three breaths.
other. rather. either.
other. rather. either.
I rather like this weather.
than the thunder on the heaven.
thomas, thinks, thank you there.
and then, there is that.


tommy takes from jonny
tamara sees what matters.
the cricket took the ticket.
tomato, tea, clamato.
tunes, times, dunes.
before, there, therefore


tremendous, treasure,
no tray to measure,
the trap of the wrap.
Danny the tranny.
a transsexual, tribe, strives.
treason. trust.
the trickery and the triumph.
tron the proton.
the trive strives.
tremendously traumatized.


Shy sunshine.
shure, ensures.
causes, shocking, bashes.
shangai shines.
shopping, for sheep and hoping.
shut up shy boy, Sherpa tomboy.
cashing the bashing.
smashing the cushion.
a shark shrinking.
the ship shows my beep.
Shy sunshine.
shire, ensures.
causes, shock.
shanghai shines in the ashes.
the Sherman shows my eyelashes


Ja, Ja
Judge, Dodge,
Jack, Batch, Badge


Tarring, looking,
confusing, trying,
shopping, buying, finding,


SSSSS think like a Snake
ZZZZZ  like a bee



christ crowned a crime.
rotten is the rat.
carrot rises my resent.
art and republic aristocrat.
an army practicing pride.
armor and errors.
arising rumors rotting hummus.
the car on the bar.
the sar is the career.
tight and right.
write, right.
there, career.
are, there, Mayer, bayer, hair.
red, hair, care, dare, err.
prow, proud, rises, rinses, rice.
erotic, aerobic.
rhetoric, ralm.
I rise rinsing the riots.
removing rows of red rings.
caring for the earnings.
earing the arising.
aurosing the risers,
earning to err, the earth, rotates.


male, and female.
hello, elephant.
wee all feel.
we all sale.
sail the mail.
mile the isle.
pale the bail.
school is cool.
oil in foil.
the rail made of coil.
the bail on the jail.
the laud is allowed.
heal the country of laos.
the law of the alley.
the tale of the valley.
the leppard and the lion.
felony and allies.


hi Hilary how high I hesitate.
heel ahead.
hello hilarious hero.
behaive in the house.
hermetic heresy.
histerical humour hides hounting.
hey hilarious, hike the hill ahead.
hissing hectic.


tattooing and take time.
terabyte, teen, gigabyte.
fest. east. breast.
auto. cat, butter other.
Scottish, optic neurotic.
automatic. atic, pneumatic, pragmatic.
automobile. teaspoon, tyrannosaur, tampon.
better is water.
the computer pattern.
east is tease.
teasing the east.
eastern tissue.
this is the issue.
strong tendom.
totem of the pirate.
rapid and robust.
demonstrates who bought it..


facing the aces the solicit of oslo.
son, Sun, Seal, Song, Sour.
sure. sears.
splitting sour saliva.
sinful sentiments serving similitude.
sailing surrounding Singapore,
singing, sealing, sour.
sewing in the asylum
song, super, safari, casting, causes.
silencing the soul sans seringes.
cars, bars, houses, insomnia.
seeking the salmon on the sonar.
singing in Singapore a sour song super

prehistoric. houses and absolute syringe.


inDex, inDigenous, Doping, Droid, design, dune,
dracula, desp, cadi, cudi, dudi, puddy, doing,
dating, dashing, dot.


cheap, cheapo, cheesy, sees, choppy, chop.
Cuchulain, Jackie sang.
itchy chamber.
chuck Norris, Chevrolet, cache,
research, chunk and preach.
each, beach, cliche, champion.


present in Prague.
present produces.
pride and prices.
the president, is the precursor.
the, promoter, of the prices.
proximity, is prideful.
priceless, princess, produces, pride.
prana promotes the principle of progress.
comprehension, in, the presentation.
pragmatic precursor.
presentation, preschool,
prognostic prior to present.
prana, piranha, prown,
enterpreneur, precipitate.
proud, probiotic, princess, prince, caprio.
princes, prepares, production.
heepri, capri, menpris, oiprad, oniprows.
keeprah, practice, produces, profesionals.
preproduction, production, postproduction.
proverb, present, private, proper.
preparation, probation, proximity.
caprio, de caprio, proud, produces, prices.
pragmatic, president, prices, prime produce.


athlete, triathlon,
atlas in the temple,


career on the err
the wheel on the feel.
steel and steal.
feel the heel.
wheel indeed.
beepy the creepy.
cheesy makes me dizzy.
jeeny beany.


please pledge.
my plot slot.
slutty frutty.
poutine, precious rutine.
peter parker the paper maker.
bleach pleasures.
the peach of each.
promoting, empowering, printing.
present the appropriate point.
the epic empire.
power of people.
passionate population pushes a nation.
capitan, capitalizes per capita.
compressing premises
put it pointing with pressure.
press the point.
priceless priviledge.
peal preserve, captain.


Memphis philips in the philipines.
phoning the pharmacy
pedophilia and paraphernalia,
ephimere and phoethic.


keeny in the kitchen.
kisses kindly the kinky.
kings are kinesthesic.
the kayak is backed up.
bangkok counts on king kong.


Caviar, the bive,
justin beavier,behavies.
heaven is even.
even voting violates the virgin.
vowels are vacant,
violins and envy vulnerable victims.


faster, stronger, better, calmer.
stranger a new defender.
doer, shopper, gather the feather.
the frontier of the engineer.
roger wanker, the broker banker



Pub, lap, pub lap, lab, lap, pal, ball, paul, cab, cap,

hey pal, buy it, pay for it.


tower, david, tonny, daniel, cad, cat, red, wrap,
patience, difference.
indeed, in teeth.

How to make money by selling carpets

You can make money by selling carpets. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of carpets. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money by selling something requires time and a solid business plan. A business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say: Company inc.

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in the products you have to offer? Find out who the prospect purchasers are, and if you need suppliers make sure you keep a database of them. If you operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling carpets can give you an income you may be right. Making money with a carpeting business can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to make money by teaching math

You can make money by teaching math. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of math classes. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money with math requires time and a solid business plan. A business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say: MathLessons inc.

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in the lessons you have to offer? Find out who the main students are, and if you need textbooks make sure you keep them handy. If you want to operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling math lessons can give you an income you may be right. Making money by teaching math can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to make money by selling wigs

You can make money by selling wigs. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of wigs. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money by producing wigs requires time and a solid business plan. A business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say: MyWigs inc.

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in what you have to offer? Find out who the main purchasers are, and if you need suppliers make sure you keep a database of them. If you want to operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that crafting wigs can give you an income you may be right. Making money by selling wigs can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to make money with used cell phones

You can make money with used cell phones. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of old phones. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money with used cell phones requires time and a solid business plan. A business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say: oldPhone inc.

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in what you have to offer? Find out who the main purchasers are, and if you need suppliers make sure you keep a database of them. If you want to operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling used cell phones can give you an income you may be right. Making money with antique cellphones can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to make money by selling old clothes

You can make money by selling old clothes. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of your old garments. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money by selling  old clothes requires time and a solid business plan. An "used clothing" business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say:

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in what you have to offer? Find out who the main purchasers are, and if you need suppliers make sure you keep a database of them. If you want to operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling old clothes can give you an income you may be right. Making money with used clothes can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to make money with old furniture

You can make money with old furniture. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of your old chairs, desks, sofas and even your 10 year old blender. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money by selling old furniture requires time and a solid business plan. An "used furniture" business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say: MyOldJunk co. 

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in what you have to offer? Find out who the main purchasers are, and if you need suppliers make sure you keep a database of them. If you want to operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling old furniture can give you an income you may be right. Making money with used furniture can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to Make Money by Writing Posts

You can make money by writing posts. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of your web-posts. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money with writing requires time and a solid business plan. A theme-based-blog business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you truly want to achieve with let's say:

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in what you have to offer? Find out who the main readers are, and if you need suppliers for your content make sure you keep a database of them. If you want to operate as a legit company, have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling posts/articles (virtual goods) can give you an income you may be right. Making money by writing posts can be fun and could open new revenue streams for you.

How to make money with paintings

You can make money with paintings and artwork you produce yourself. There are different ways and techniques to make some coin out of art. The main concept you have to keep in mind is that making money with paintings requires a solid business plan. A gallery business plan outlines the main goals and objectives you want to achieve with let's say:

Start by targeting a market segment, who can be interested in what you have to offer? Find out who can be the main purchasers, and if you need suppliers make sure you make a database of them. Have all your business archives organized including operational documents and legal files. If you think that selling paintings can give you an income you may be right. Making money with art can be fun and will open you new revenue streams.

Running and Walking

Running and walking are basic ways to stay in shape. Running and walking are beneficial to your overall health. Running and walking are both aerobic activities that help your blood circulate around your body. Running is more intense, therefore having a good run improves your endurance, in the other hand, walking is a passive way to exercise but still effective if you're going for long distances.

Techniques to improve your body language

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your body language is not an exception. Ideas about improving your body language are in the people you observe; you can also rely on the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your body language, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your routines into smaller acts and so you can track the achievement on each progress you make. Improving your body language requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ideas for improving your social skills

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your social skills is not an exception. Ideas about improving your social skills are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your social skills, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your social skills requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

keeping your relationship in shape

Everybody likes to have a good relationship with their beloved ones, it is not uncommon to argue about silly things even with the people you love the most. The key to maintain a healthy relationship, or a "relationship in shape"is to practice communication and to express affection as much as you can. Doesn't matter how much time you think you are spending sending messages or making phone calls Even when you are busy you should always be able to get a hold of your significant people. A good way to keep your relationship in shape is to ask yourself  "who should I call today? Remember, if you "want people to remember you and to consider you a healthy friend or companion you must aim for optimal communication and avoid neglecting your loved ones.

Ideas for improving your acting skills

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your acting skill is not an exception. Ideas about improving your acting talents are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your acting career, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your acting projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your acting skills  requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

Ideas for improving your daily meals

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your daily meals is not an exception. Ideas about improving your cooking skills are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your daily meals, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your cooking projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your daily meals requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

Ideas for improving your design skills

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your design skills is not an exception. Ideas about improving your design talents are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your design career, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your design skills requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

The future of personal development

In the near future we will be able to observe changes in personal development technologies. PD is nothing static but a dynamic entity that changes and evolves. The future of personal development will depend of new social behaviors and cultural changes. We can anticipate the evolution of human progress by understanding the pattern of those changes. In order to face the future, personal development must adapt to new scenarios and the tomorrow's needs of mankind.

The future of artificial intelligence

In the near future we will be able to observe changes in artificial intelligence. AI is nothing static but a dynamic entity that changes and evolves. The future of artificial intelligence will depend of new social behaviors and cultural changes. We can anticipate the evolution of artificial intelligence by understanding the pattern of those changes. In order to face the future, computer science must adapt to new scenarios and the tomorrow's needs of mankind.

The future of social engineering

In the near future we will be able to observe changes in social engineering. Social engineering is nothing static but a dynamic entity that changes and evolves. The future of social engineering will depend of new social behaviors and cultural changes. We can anticipate the evolution of social crafting by understanding the pattern of those changes. In order to face the future, social engineering must adapt to new scenarios and the tomorrow's needs of mankind.

The future of smart drugs

In the near future we will be able to observe changes in the pharmaceutical industry. Smart drug production is nothing static but a dynamic entity that changes and evolves. The future of smart drugs will depend of new social behaviors and cultural changes. We can anticipate the evolution of smart drugs by understanding the pattern of those changes. In order to face the future, smart drugs need to adapt to new scenarios and human needs.

The future of advertisement

In the near future we will be able to observe changes in the advertisement arena.
The advertisement industry is nothing static but a dynamic entity that changes and evolves. The future of advertisement will depend of new social behaviors and cultural changes. We can anticipate the evolution of advertisement by understanding the pattern of those changes. In order to face the future, advertisers need to adapt to the new scenarios and human conditions.

Ideas for improving your article writing talents

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your article writing talents is not an exception. Ideas about improving your article writing skills are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your article generation abilities, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your article writing talents requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

Ideas for improving your living space

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your living space is not an exception. Ideas about improving your house are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your home, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your living space requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you want to obtain.

Ideas for improving your cooking skills

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your cooking skills is not an exception. Ideas about improving your cooking skills are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your cooking talents, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your cooking projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your cooking abilities requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you will obtain.

Ideas for improving your brain power

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your brain power is not an exception. Ideas about improving your brain power are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your brain structure, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your THING requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you will obtain.

Ideas for improving your saving skills

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your saving skills is not an exception. Ideas about improving your savings abilities are all around; you can check the internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your saving skills, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your THING requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you will obtain.

Ideas for improving your pronunciation

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your pronunciation is not an exception. Ideas about improving your pronunciation are all around; you can check the Internet and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your phonetics, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your pronunciation requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you will obtain.

Ideas for improving your nutrition

Any kind of improvement in life takes a minimum of effort, improving your nutrition is not an exception. Ideas about improving your diet are all around, you can check the internet to begin with and find a variety of valuable information. If you truly want a consistent improvement in your nutrition, you must start by establishing your goals and objectives. Break apart your projects into smaller tasks and so you can have a sense of achievement on each progress you make. Improving your nutrition requires you to be proactive and positive about the results you will obtain.

Exercises for becoming a piano player

There are many ways to become a piano player, the reality is, becoming a musician takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to playing the piano. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become a better piano player. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep playing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming mentally stronger

There are many ways to become mentally stronger, the reality is, becoming highly mentally skilled takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to be mentally stronger. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to have a stronger mind. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises. Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming a better cook

There are many ways to become a better cook, the reality is, becoming a master chef takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to becoming a better cook. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become the master of the kitchen. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises. Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming more attractive

There are many ways to become more attractive, the reality is, becoming more attractive takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to looking attractive. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become more attractive. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming a gardener

There are many ways to become a gardener, the reality is, becoming a gardener takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to taking care of your backyard. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become a gardener. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming a master of arts

There are many ways to become a master of arts, the reality is, becoming a master in anything takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to master any art. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become a master of arts. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming a better home owner

There are many ways to become a better home owner, the reality is, becoming a better home owner takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to taking care of your own property. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become a better home keeper. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering,keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming a better student

There are many ways to become a better student, the reality is, becoming a better student takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to nailing your exams. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be consistent when aiming to become a better student. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming smarter with money

There are many ways to become smarter with money, the reality is, being smart with your cash takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to become smarter about money. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become smarter with money. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming a ninja

There are many ways to become a ninja, the reality is, turning into a ninja takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to earning your black belt. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become a ninja. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming more self aware

There are many ways to become more self aware, the reality is, becoming self aware takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to being aware of all that goes on in your life. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations.

Be persevering when aiming to become more self aware. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.

Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming more proactive

There are many ways to become more proactive, the reality is, becoming more proactive takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to think of yourself as a proactive person. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become more proactive. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming THISTHING v1.0

Exercises for becoming more proactive

There are many ways to become more proactive, the reality is, becoming more proactive takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to think of yourself as a proactive person. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become more proactive. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck!.

Exercises for becoming more caring

There are many ways to become more caring, the reality is, becoming more caring takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to care for the people and the world around us. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become more caring. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.
Good Luck

Exercises for becoming a better teacher

There are many ways to become a better teacher, the reality is, learning to teach well takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to becoming a better teacher. To begin, you can't just sit and pray waiting for an improvement to happen, you must take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become a better educator. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises. Good Luck!

Exercises for becoming more positive

There are many ways to become more positive, the reality is, becoming more positive takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to positive thinking. To begin,  you can't just sit on your ass and pray for an improvement, you have to take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become happier. The main thing is to stay focused in what you want to achieve, remain persevering, keep practicing and learn about new exercises.

Exercises for becoming a better cat owner

There are many myths about how to become a better cat owner, the reality is, becoming a better cat owner takes work, patience and practice. There are many variables you have to deal with when it comes to be a great cat owner. To become a better feline father you can't just sit on your ass and pray, you have to take action and control of the surrounding situations. Be persevering when aiming to become a better cat owner. The main thing is to stay focused in your cat, remain persevering, keep practicing  and learning about new exercises.
Good Luck

Popping Ritalin

Issue: Cognition Enhancement, Pharmaceuticals

Many have known the tales of university students popping Ritalin to help them pass the exams. In recent months there have been signs the phenomenon has spread all around the Internet. In recent days a well known journal conducted an informal survey of its readers to gauge how many of them have Popped smart drugs or cognition enhancers (such as Ritalin). The survey found that one in five respondents had turned to medications to enhance their concentration, focus and memory. Then, in July, a popular technology blog in Silicon Valley proclaimed Provigil (the brand name for modafinil) to be the “entrepreneur’s drug of choice.” The blog cited executives at upstart tech companies who rely on it to keep them energized through 20-hour workdays. Are we entering in a new Pharma driven society? is this already happening?

Blackberry Playbook Problems

It's been said that the Blackberry playbook presents some problems, but I don't think so. You can only observe how the blackberry has a problem: it's still a playbook, not a personal computer. Whenever you think of a pad, you think of a mini computer but not exactly what you get from a real PC.

What are people buzzing about?

People are always saying things about other people, they like to think that they know everything about the rich and the famous, people are buzzing about their sexuality, their job, their money etc. Sometimes they buzz about how they treat their children and all that, some people just enjoy gossiping about celebs or politicians. Buzzing about other people is part of our nature, that's how we create representations of others.

Raw vegetables vs. cooked vegetables

Issue: Modern Nutrition

The best way to consume foods high in vitamin K is in a raw state, cooking destroys the nutrients, so make salads of leafy greens, if you still need to cook them, make sure that they keep some of their vitamin K content. Soggy or mushy vegetables hardly have any vitamins left. Try cooking them light so that the veggies still remain crisp. The nutrients usually leech into the water where you boil the vegetables. Use that for a broth and take advantage of the nutritional value.

Hit and run cases in Vancouver

Vancouver is a peaceful city when it comes to traffic flow, but it's a sad reality that sometimes there are hit and run cases. Every day somebody is at risk of being slammed by a car somehwere in the street. You are  aware of this and you must alert your friends about this sad reality, always be attentive of plaques and learn how to memorize numbers.

Be more careful when crossing the streets specially when drinking. Today  we can avoid another hit and run case. The increase in accidents of this type is causing panic, before panicking yourself just be careful and watch out the street before making any move.

If you are a driver, please follow the rules of the road and be cautious when pedestrians are on the way. if you are a victim of a hit and run incident you can always find good lawyers in Vancouver who will stand for your rights.

Loving and caring for your cat

Every single year more people decides to get a cat as a companionship or even just as a decoration item for the house. Most people love and care for their cats, however it's easy to ignore some of the most common of the feline needs... Love and affection. More and more people are now starting to be more conscious of loving their cats by giving them the attention they deserve. By investing in your cat you will be rewarded by having a loyal companion for a life time. When you take your cat caring seriously, you start to notice how your pet changes his behaviour towards you, they become more affectionate and more loving creatures. It is best to start by stroking your cat in the morning and then have another session in the evening. If you are reading this you know your cat needs you and so it's time to start giving him the care he/she deserves.

Best ways to study for an exam

A lot of people know that studying for an exam is tedious and takes a good chunk of your time, a good way to study for an exam is to prepare your subjects in advance and take notes of relevant information that you want to recall later on. It's advised to collect as many notes as you can so you develop a set of ideas and consistent hints for the moment of your test, There are more than a handful of techniques to study and to learn in a faster way. It's possible to comprehend any subject if you split your study project into smaller tasks. Don't think that studying for an exam should be stressful and tiring, if you think studying is something you rather avoid, then don't expect any positive score at the moment of getting your exam results. The best resources for studying for an exam are all over the Internet. google, stumble, search, research and take notes. Good Luck!

Formulas for graphic design

A lot of people think that graphic design is just flow and inspiration and there is no logic involved. Many people says that graphic design formulas can't work well because this discipline is not like physics, not considering that design involves a huge variety of objective aspects such as aligning, snapping, adjusting, arranging elements on the stage, using geometrical shapes etc.

There are in fact ways to come out with design formulas in order to make your design job more productive. If you think graphic design doesn't require any formula or method then you are wrong. Thankfully modern designers are becoming more technical and are implementing more consistent methods in order to streamline their projects.

There are several formulas for design processes, still, a formula that applies to your work doesn't necessarily applies to another project of the same kind. Stay practical and avoid seeing design just as a random art, think of it as a process and therefore as a a set of actions that can be classified and organized properly.

Intelligent financial management

Issue: Personal finances

A lot of people think that managing money is an easy task and everybody can do it just by using their common sense. Many people says that Intelligent financial management is just about knowing how to use a financial software like, let's say.. Excel, not understanding that a piece of software is not going to help you unless you truly know where your money goes and how do you use your cash.

There are many ways to become more intelligent with your finances, if you think that saving at least 5 bucks per day won't make any difference, you are wrong. Thankfully, there is plenty of financial advice out there so you can organize your money and your spending wisely. There are several websites that may offer you data analysis and cash flow management such as or even your primary bank website. Make use of the information you have available and become smarter and more intelligent with your own money.

Fashion Trends for 2012

None knows how fashion will be like in the year 2012,  it's been said the year 2012 is when the world ends but so old fashion trends will come to an end as well. the new fashion for 2012 promises a more environmental friendly approach and a more eco-oriented design. New styles will arise to make people conscious of the planet's demand for limited natural resources. How fashion in 2012 will affect the general population? who knows, but integrating fashion trends and ecological thinking is definitely the aim of the future designers by the year 2012.

Making better articles

Issue: Web Content Generation

Making better articles doesn't mean creating content from random words but writing about consistent ideas. Entertaining and informative pieces of information are always useful for someone else around town. Having said that, making better articles means having a selection of nice titles and keywords that will make your article stand out of the crowd. the Idea is not to make scientific publications but more conversational buddy to buddy type of content. Open your notepad and start making better articles!

Bankers taking over America

Thomas Jefferson understood the danger of putting the power to control the currency of a nation in the hands of a few individuals in the form of a monopolistic central bank. This is why he opposed Alexander Hamilton's scheme to establish the First Bank of the United States. Let me repeat what he said in 1791: "If the American people ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied." President Andrew Jackson also understood the danger. He refused to renew the charter (a grant of monopoly) of the Second Bank of the United States.

In 1836 Jackson said to the bankers trying to persuade him to renew their charter (so they could continue their harmful monopoly): "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."

Prince William doing drugs

Issue: Celebs

People are asking out there, is prince William doing drugs?, has he try them actually? I think it's unacceptable for the royal family to get high except with alcohol. Royals are good with drinking and getting hammered with big amounts of wine and expensive champagne, but if they take pills  or snort cocaine is something we don't really know about and can't judge. Gossips about William snorting lines of cocaine are just that, gossips.

Secrets of Vancouver city

Let me tell you that this post is about the Secrets of Vancouver city
Don’t get me wrong, I'm not talking about the transsexual life or the drugs, we're talking about a random topic. Now you are wondering, what the fuck with the Secrets of Vancouver city? What is the thing about Vancouver city no one gives a fuck about the Secrets of Vancouver city but you should. it’s like anything you do, you do it or you don’t.